My ex broke up with me last month after being together for over a year. the last few months were rough because his grandmother passed away after being in t. My ex broke up with me last weekend it’s been hard cos both of are family’s don’t want us together and i don’t no weather this is the reason or he just not happy with me anymore but we didn’t have argumeant or nothing when he broke up with me he was with his mates last sat and then i spoke to him on the sat he sounded confused said he. Does my ex girlfriend still love me? if you’re asking this question now chances are that you still have strong feelings for your ex girlfriend and wondering if she is on the same page with you regarding getting back together..
The logical approach to get your ex back seems that you should tell them how much you care for them and how much you love them as soon as possible before it’s too late.. Want to know the funniest part about getting your ex back? actually getting him back isn’t that hard. with a…. A friend? a lover? or. . . something else? why does my ex want to be friends? well, what possible motives could your ex have for wanting to remain friends?.